your successbeginshere

Discover, Apply, Succeed: Your Bridge to Top Universities Abroad.

your successbeginshere

Discover, Apply, Succeed: Your Bridge to Top Universities Abroad.

Our Core Values

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CSC consulting is driven by a sense of integrity & transparency, which affects directly our results internally and for our clients.



At CSC consulting, efficiency drives our processes and solutions, which directly benefits our students & partners.



In everything we do, we make sure we are creating innovative solutions to tackle education’s most pressing issue.


Student Oriented

Students are at the core of everything we do, serving them the best way we can is our sole purpose.

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We’re a Team of Education Consultants, We love what we do.

Join us on our journey of impacting 120,000 students by 2025.


Soulaimane El Allam

“CSC is a highly professional consulting firm. We can depend on them to be transparent, smart, and committed to our success.”

Salma Rafik

“The best service ever, Nabiha is a kind, welcoming, competent person. Her guidance was perfect, I recommend CSC consulting.”

Ahmed Nakhaly

“Très bon service. Je confirme. merci beaucoup.”


what our coustomer say

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our valued clients who have been an integral part of our journey. Each of these clients has played a significant role in our success, and we would like to take a moment to acknowledge their contribution.

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Whether you are looking for private or public institutions, spain has got you covered.

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Exchange Programs

Spanish Universities offer Erasmus Programs for students wanting to experience 1 or 2 semesters abroad.

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Over 37 Scholarship opportunities are available to international students in a variety of forms.

About Us

An exceptional unique experience tailored to you

At CSCconsulting, we are passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their academic and career aspirations. With years of experience in the education industry, we understand the challenges and opportunities that students face in today's competitive world. Our mission is to guide and support students throughout their educational journey, providing expert advice and personalized solutions to help them reach their full potential.

About Us

An exceptional unique experience tailored to you

At CSCconsulting, we are passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their academic and career aspirations. With years of experience in the education industry, we understand the challenges and opportunities that students face in today's competitive world. Our mission is to guide and support students throughout their educational journey, providing expert advice and personalized solutions to help them reach their full potential.